tiistai 25. lokakuuta 2011

The official pictures of the two meet-ups

Click the images bigger! For the people in the pictures: Jos haluatte kuvanne pois tai esim. bloginne linkin, kertokaa siitä. Juuri nyt minulla ei ole aikaa etsiä kaikkien blogeja linkitettäväksi, vaikka yleensä siihen pyrinkin.

First meet-up (pictures by Ag):

Everyone looked so good! Thank you for the lovely meet-up.

Second meet-up (pictures by Sanni S. DO NOT TAKE THESE PICTURES unless you're in them yourself):

Thanks to you too for the fun photoshoot!

No idea why the pictures are on the left. Stupid Blogger.

lauantai 22. lokakuuta 2011

Meet up number two: Guro photoshoot

I organized a guro photoshoot in Suomenlinna and here are, again, the "unofficial" pictures taken by Tiie (as i haven't got a new camera yet). Official photos will be up in couple of weeks.

Me and Tiie

With evanee.