tiistai 27. syyskuuta 2011

Cloudberry Lady's tea party

Last weekend i headed to a tea party organized by the amazing Finnish brand named Cloudberry Lady. I love their creations and was happy to be able to model for them. I also bought their new skirt and it arrives to me as soon as it's fixed. The zipper broke during the fashion show. We had a quick change and unfortunately my delicious womanly buttocks were a tad too big for the zipper to handle in such a rush. Zippers... always the weakest part of even the most high quality outfits.

The cafeteria was really nice too! The decoration suited our purpose really well and the staff were really friendly.

The evening went in this order: First people came in and took tea and muffins while us models were panicking backstage. Then it was time for some ballet performed by Elfie. Models weren't able to see the first performance but we saw the second after the fashion show. She's so talented! Between the ballet performances was our show. We modeled the newest creations by CL and i modelled Space Attack jsk and their new blouse as my first outfit and secondly their newest series that i don't know the name of. After that we models were able to drink tea and enjoy the beautiful ballet and classical music as well. The evening continued with chatting, shopping, designer's Q&A and a lottery.

 We also ate in a japanese restaurant before the tea party with Yoshh and Dashi. I had so much trouble eating with chopsticks. I also didn't like the food that much.......
 After eating Yoshh curled my hair because i suck at doing it myself (so thank you, Yoshh! You saved me!).
Dress: Cloudberry Lady
Bonnet: victorianbonnets.com
 Me and ChirpChirp wearing the same print.
 This is the skirt i modeled and bought.
 Lume, the designer of CL.
Pics by Yoshh and Aristosa.

sunnuntai 25. syyskuuta 2011

Might just be the best lolita fashion show ever

Look at all those perfect outfits, that choreography, bling, divaness, perfectly matched music! Just... Holy fff i got so much inspiration! So will you if you watch it!

torstai 22. syyskuuta 2011

Changes in my blog

1. I changed the header! It's made by the most talented Kainoliero. Thank you so much for doing it for me!

2. Changed some stuff to English. Because only Finns can understand Finnish but everyone (including Finns) understand English.

3. Like it or not, from now on i'll write mostly in English. It saves time and for some illogical reason feels easier for me to write with. Even though... yeah.... i make a lot of mistakes. It also makes my blog clearer and easier to follow.

If something bothers you, dear reader, please give me some concrit. Tell me how to make my blog better.

Inspiring vintage photography

Törmäsinpä taas muutamiin erittäin inspiroiviin kuvatuksiin. Aloitetaan Anne Brigmannin kuvista. Rakastan tuota mystistä tunnelmaa. Kuvat on otettu tod. näk. vuosien 1900 ja 1920 välillä.

Let's start with Anne Brigman's photos. I absolutely love the dark mystical feeling of these photos taken between 1900 and 1920.

Seuraavaksi hyvin liidokkaita ja vähän uudempia kuvia Melvin Sokolskyltä. Olen ties mistä asti nähnyt unta, että lennän ja näissä kuvissa ilmenee täsmälleen se sama fiilis kuin unissani.

Next up some flying photos from Melvin Sokolsky. I've always seen dreams about flying and these pictures depict the exact same feeling as i have in my dreams.

keskiviikko 21. syyskuuta 2011

Daily outfits

Olen vähän unohtanut kirjoittaa suomeksi taas vaihteeksi hehe. Mutta tässäpä pari päivittäistä asuani.

Tämä ensimmäinen on maanantailta (älä lue eteenpäin jos et jaksa lukea valitusta), joka sattui olemaan yksi elämäni paskimpia päiviä noin niinkuin lievästi sanottuna. Aamu alkoi oksentelulla ja päivä jatkui mukavasti eräiden ihmissuhteiden katkeamisen, eksymisen ja kahden tunnin kaatosateessa harhailun merkeissä. Opin sinä päivänä, että jos aamu jo menee aivan päin hevonvittua niin ei kannata edes nousta sängystä. /Valituksen loppu.
 Skirt: Cloudberry Lady
Others: mostly second hand
 Noh, hyvää tässä päivässä oli, että sain uudet Babyn kenkäni. Ostin ne työkengiksi ainakin näille talvikuukausille.

 Tiistaina kävin Mimin lukaalissa vierailemassa. Päätin vetäistä jotakin sweettiä päälleni.
Dress, SC bow: Angelic Pretty
Others: random

Here's some outfits from this week.

Meeting in Kuopio

Just a spam of pictures. Please forgive my camera for dying. I really need a new one.

 The umbrella that i bought.

 Coat: Alice and the Pirates

 Skirt: Victorian Maiden
Shoes: Vivienne Westwood x Melissa
Blouse: Baby, the stars shine Bright
Hat, gloves: vintage



 Me in Yoshh's bonnet, Yoshh wearing my hat. And i still look lika an aunt.

Shoes! I really need these from Yoshh's closet:
 Black basic hooker heels.
 Jesus Diamante is always so much win.
 High heeled ankle boots in burgundy.
 These would be perfect for winter.
Comfortable kick ass pink boots!